Year in, year out we find ourselves craving for change. We shake off all the bad habits that we have grown to dread and look forward to the renewing ourselves when the new year rolls in. We write down our resolutions before the ball drops and pray—long and hard—that we follow them through the coming twelve months.
It's great to commit to bettering ourselves, even when it comes once a year, but like everyone else we often start strong and later drop into a slipper slope. We sign up for a gym membership, we buy the right gear and equipment, we even urge our friends that this year is our year. But two months in we fall back into a pattern of excuses until it's the New Year again. Onto the same promises just waiting to be broken.
But what if we have a real fix? Nothing grand, nothing hard. Just you taking small steps and making a true commitment that you can follow through. See our list of five simple ways to actually keep your fitness resolutions.