You did a great job and it matters! Say that to yourself before this year ends.
It has been a tough year—physically, emotionally, and mentally. Admit it, there were times that you had to stay strong amidst all that's happening and there were times that you just had to break down and cry. But you are not giving yourself that disservice for staying true.
This season is meant to celebrate the small wins you've accomplished. If no one is there, fret not. Tap yourself and say, "You are doing alright!". It's a hundred percent fine.
While you want to make sure you provide the holiday cheer for the people you love, hey, you know what? You can't forget about giving something to yourself. You absolutely deserve it. Be it a bag you've been checking every day as you scroll through the site or the coffee machine you've been dying to have but delaying to buy. Just keep in mind: you are worth having this gift.
No need to entertain questions. Click the shop button and say it's yours this Christmas season.