Rainbocorns, created by Zuru, debuted in 2018 and quickly became a global sensation. Known for its magical unicorn surprise eggs, each with over 15 surprises, it grew 240% in sales within a year. Rainbocorns continues to captivate kids worldwide with its interactive, collectible, and imaginative toys.
Discover your child's new best friend with Rainbocorns at Rustan's
Rainbocorns, created by Zuru, is a globally popular toy brand that combines unicorn magic with surprise collectibles. Since its debut in August 2018, Rainbocorns has become an international sensation, captivating children with its whimsical designs and interactive play. The flagship product features adorable unicorns and surprise collectibles, sparking creativity and joy.
The Adopt-A-Corns series introduced baby versions of the original Rainbocorns, hidden inside surprise eggs with over 15 surprises per egg. This highly interactive, collectible series fuels curiosity and imaginative play. Rainbocorns experienced impressive growth, achieving nearly 240% sales growth within a year and expanding to over 100 countries.
Rainbocorns is more than a toy—it's an engaging experience that taps into kids' imaginations. Zuru’s commitment to quality, creativity, and innovation has made Rainbocorns a household name. With new series, spin-offs, and a growing international licensing program, Rainbocorns continues to evolve, ensuring kids everywhere experience the magic.