They are your second parents, the cool Tito and the affectionate Tita you love to visit on holidays and special occasions. So this Christmas, don't forget to show them love and appreciation by sending them gifts whether they live close by or miles away.

Holiday Gifts For Aunts & Uncles
Everyone has that aunt and uncle who we cherish a lot. Whether they're related to you by blood or by choice, you absolutely adore them. And since they've showered you with gifts when you were a kid, it's time to return the favor.
The kid-aunt and kid-uncle relationships are always fun and relaxed. You always felt safe when you're with them. Though these days may still be hard to celebrate together, it's only fitting that you make them feel as cherished and as special—maybe even more so now—with these gifts.
Surprise your favorite aunts and uncles with luxurious scents and beauty sets that would compliment their personalities. And for your ever reliable Titos and Titas, nifty items such as travel bags, dopp kits, and home accessories are sure pleasers.
Whatever you decide to give, seal it with a personalized notecard to make them feel extra special this holiday!